Bandung, in its usual business state. Captured by  these moments might look very...

Jelajah Wisata Bandung – Bandung, in its usual business state. Captured by these moments might look very…

Jelajah Wisata Bandung Bandung in its usual business state - Jelajah Wisata Bandung - Bandung, in its usual business state. Captured by  these moments might look very...

Bandung, in its usual business state. Captured by @putriayuwrdn, these moments might look very usual 2 or 3 months ago but a sight that we lowkey missing right now. Hope everything goes back to normal soon.
Yuk Jelajah Tempat Wisata Bandung, Cobain Kuliner Bandung!

BACA JUGA :  Wisata Sukabumi - Nikmati Keindahan Tempat Wisata Terbaik di Sukabumi!