Rice field and the magnificent Cikanteh Falls in one single frame. What a beauti...

Jelajah Wisata Sukabumi – Rice field and the magnificent Cikanteh Falls in one single frame. What a beauti…

Jelajah Wisata Sukabumi Rice field and the magnificent Cikanteh - Jelajah Wisata Sukabumi - Rice field and the magnificent Cikanteh Falls in one single frame. What a beauti...

Rice field and the magnificent Cikanteh Falls in one single frame. What a beautiful sight to see! Definitely a must-see in Ciletuh.
Photo by @elfajar05
Yuk jelajah tempat wisata Sukabumi!! –

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BACA JUGA :  Jelajah Wisata Sukabumi - Temukan Keindahan Alam yang Memukau di Sukabumi!